St Luke's Hospice

St Luke's Hospice

St Luke's Walking Club - walks in 2024

The St Luke’s Walking Club members are supporters of St Luke’s Hospice (Harrow and Brent) who walk for fun, fitness and to fundraise for the Hospice.

Now the Annual Sponsored Walk in May is over, we enter the Summer programme. The proposed dates are shown below, and details will be added as they become available. The scheme is (mostly) that we alternate by week with a walk on a weekday (Monday through to Friday) and then on Saturday or Sunday another walk, that is one walk a week.

Click here for the next walk

April 2024

Friday 5 April
General Area:
Wendover to Great Missenden via Ellesborough, and Lacey Green. Miles: 16 challenging
Leader: Hugo Hodge.
Nature of walk: this walk is a lovely wander through typical Chiltern scenery. There will be plenty of climbs and some woods without clear paths, but I will do a recce and I have plotted the route on my phone, so only an idiot can get lost. We could have a pub stop at Lacey Green and a picnic by the Windmill.

Hugo's report: Although the Chiltern Line was not directly affected by the rail strike, their website warned that its services might need timetable changes. Sure enough we had to catch an earlier train. This walk reveals the very best of the Chilterns with a great variety of hills, fields, woods and pretty villages. Mud was still a problem but had improved since Deborah and I recced it two days earlier. A decision was made to change the route to avoid dreadful conditions just before Lacey Green and take a restricted byway to Speen which we had passed earlier. It was shorter and properly surfaced. To my horror the byway dipped into a hollow a foot deep in mud and closed by thick hedges on each side. My tough companions, Janet and Hilary, were undaunted by that nor by the herd of heifers which later accompanied us up a steep hill licking and nudging us all the way. By a strange coincidence with the first time I led a version of this walk, as we reached the platform at Great Missenden the sun set and the train arrived.

Sunday 7 April

Tuesday 9 April
General Area:
Amersham to Chesham. Miles: 9.5 moderate
Leader: Hugo Hodge.
Nature of walk: from the Station we take the path through Parsonage Wood and down to the Old Town. We walk through the Old Town of Amersham and past the Cricket Club. We continue along the South Bucks Way to Little Missenden. Here we turn right and reach Hyde Common. Here there is a public house and places to sit for lunch. We cross the Common and go along Little Hundridge Lane until we reach the ever popular Herbert’s Hole where we turn right for Chesham. Although Chesham and Amersham are very close to each other this virtually circular walk does make the best of the countryside.

Hugo's report: Eight of us gathered at Amersham Station in chilly and breezy weather to walk a semi-circular route to Chesham. We were very pleased to welcome one newcomer, Dee Cohen, who I hope will join us for many more walks to come. It was familiar territory as far as Little Missenden where we had a coffee stop in the church porch while sheltering from a rain shower. The weather improved for the next section to Hyde Heath Common where we enjoyed lunch sitting around the flag pole, until rain sent us to the adjacent pub which was dry and warm. From there it was a mile or so through woods until we reached Herbert’s Hole which led us in much improved weather to Chesham.

Saturday 13 April
General Area:
Lane End Miles: 13 challenging
Leader: Hansa Jadva-Patel.
Nature of walk: A pleasant circular walk via Moor Farm, Moor Wood and Shillingridge Wood, stopping at Bovingdon Green / Marlow Common for a picnic lunch. Afternoon walk continues via Bottom Wood, Moor Common and Frieth (possible snack stop). The walk includes good scenic views, some steep ascends, a good mix of woodland, open fields, some stiles and generally good paths. Please bring a packed lunch and snacks.

Hansa's report: The sun was out, the sky was blue, not a cloud to spoil the view, what a splendid day for walking. 17 cheerful souls set off to embark on three descent hills and some minor undulations in the Chilterns. Our first rewarding breath taking view was overlooking Bluey’s farm where we stopped to admire the views, have our morning break and peel back to our t-shirts! Our ascent to Bovingdon Green shortly lead us into Marlow Common, where we had the woodland to ourselves to enjoy our lunch in total peace, and seclusion. On our ascent to Lower Woodend, we were joined by a family of owls (site of group photo). At 10 miles, there was the opportunity to cut the walk short for those who wanted an early finish, but this was rejected by all the walkers. They may have soon regretted this decision as the walk continued through the swampy Moor Common with some sections of paths under muddy waters. This did not dampen our spirits as the sun was still shining and we continued to Frieth where we rested our weary legs and re-energised ourselves before the final undulation to Lane End. The woods were colourful with wild flowers, primrose and cowslip. Overall, an enjoyable walk with good company and for some in the group, exploring an area of Chilterns they had not seen before.

Monday 15 April
General Area:
Chesham to Tring. Miles: 11 fairly challenging.
Leader: Hugo Hodge.
Travel: from Harrow on the Hill Station take the northbound Metline train to Chesham at 09.41 arriving at Chesham at 10.17.
Nature of walk: we leave Chesham and follow Herbert’s Hole. We turn right before Ballinger Bottom and cross the Chilterns through Chartridge and Asheridge where there is a public house. We continue to Cholesbury Fort (perhaps another break here) and through woods until we reach edge of Tring Park and make the long descent to the canal and railway station. Along the way there are beautiful views over the Vale of Aylesbury. From Tring there are regular services back to Harrow and London via Watford. There are quite a few ups and downs on this walk which will make perfect training!

Hugo's report: The Met Office forecast heavy rain showers throughout the day and very strong winds. I did not expect anyone to join me, but I was surprised and delighted when 14 of us met at Chesham Station. The only rain experienced by most of us lashed the windows of the Metline train on the journey out. The day became bright and breezy. The walk was a delight with little serious mud and plenty of hills revealing glorious views. We had a couple of obstacles to overcome; the first was a fallen tree covered in ivy completely blocking our path. I was very impressed at how our walkers clambered over it undeterred. The second occurred when I wandered off course in private woodland to find that the exit was not a stile but a locked five-barred gate flanked by a sturdy post and rail fence twice the height of a stile. No problem for Mary still recovering from a hip replacement! The Met Office caught up with us as we descended to Tring Station. The wind became a full on gale and howled through the bending and groaning trees beside us. For a few minutes we had to endure horizontal hail stinging our cheeks. Crossing the A41 on the footbridge we had to cling on to the guard rails for fear of being blown off.

Sunday 21 April
General Area:
Hampden Climber. Miles: 13 challenging.
Leader: Tony Prothero.
Nature of walk: A scenic walk over Whiteleaf Hill and along the Ridgeway to Coombe Hill and returning via Little Hampden and Great Hampden with a pub stop at Great Hampden.

Tony's report: After a challenging train journey, especially for Sandra who had to go to Marleybone first using the Met, as the Chiltern Line had cancelled their trains, eleven of us arrived at Princes Risborough to start our walk. The weather was chilly, although the sky was clear blue and you really could see for miles. The walk was progressing well until we passed Chequers and entered the woods and then disaster struck and I got us lost. We unfortunately went around in a circle and only discovered our location thanks to Jane and her phone, which was actually working. The ordnance survey had unfortunately overnight introduced extra security cutting me and Sandra out. Using Jane's phone we made it to the rising sun and were now back on route. Shortly afterwards we reached the Hampden Arms for a well deserved drink. After lunch we continued to the Pink & Lilly where we met Glenn who had just completed a separate 18mile charity walk along the ridgeway. We negotiated the scarp slope of the Chilterns (I swear that slope is getting steeper !) and made our way back to the station slightly exhausted.

Thursday 25 April
General Area:
Ivinghoe Beacon plus the Best Bluebell Beechwoods in the Ashridge Estate. Miles: 12-13 moderate
Leader: Sue Aldridge
Nature of walk: A Circular walk following ‘The Ridgeway’ to Ivinghoe Beacon and along Gallows Hill Ridge with views towards Dunstable Downs. Then walk through some of the best Bluebell woods on the Ashridge Estate, finally descending to the GU canal to follow the towpath back to Tring Station. Picnic lunch on the slopes of the Ivinghoe hills with splendid views. A later tea stop at the NT Visitor Centre Café with toilets. (From visitor centre, walk can be slightly shortened to 9-10 miles if a walker wishes to descend independently via Albury, with a direct half hour easy walk back to Tring Station… directions provided.) The main walk follows the wooded escarpment through the last bluebell wood and descends from Norcott Hill to the canal to return to the station. This walk provides similar terrain to our Shropshire Challenge only in a week’s time!

Sue's report: Ten of us gathered on Harrow & Wealdstone Station waiting in expectation for a rather delayed train as some had been cancelled! This resulted in starting our 13 ml walk at least half an hour later than planned. We made good headway along ‘The Ridgeway’ to Ivinghoe Beacon, meeting our 11th walker just before the ascent onto the Beacon. Although rather chilly, the cool atmosphere favoured the hilly morning walk and we were fortunate not to receive the rain showers that were forecasted, just some light occasional drizzle. Although mainly high cloud, the views were good and clear over to The Dunstable Downs with the white lion standing out ahead of us as we headed down Gallows Hill to a sheltered picnic spot with a view of The Beacons. The second part of the walk was spent exploring/admiring really colourful displays of bluebells in both Crawley and Dockey Woods, the sun shone through the trees for some of this walk brightening up the blue of the bells. This was followed by a trek through the heart of the forest seeing more and more bluebells under the trees. At 3pm we enjoyed a half hour tea stop at the NT Café/Visitor Centre, a few of us indulged in the delicious cakes. Our final 4 miles took us through ‘Old Copse’ bluebell wood to Toms Hill where we gradually descended through fields spotting the alpacas on our way to the canal towpath (still rather swampy in places!) to bring us back to the station. Thanks to all who supported the walk. Everyone coped well with the hills and enjoyed probably the most colourful time of the year in the Ashridge Beechwoods.

Saturday 27 April
General Area:
Christmas Common Circular. Miles: 15 challenging with 1800m of ascent.
Leader: Glenn Connolly.
Nature of walk: a beautiful walk through beechwoods and villages following the Oxfordshire Way from Christmas Common to Pishill and on to Stonor where we will have a 1st stop overlooking Stonor House. We then continue to Turville and Fingest for a second stop with a pub before returning via Ibstone Common. Please bring a packed lunch.

Glenn's report: Christmas Common called and although there are no gifts on this walk 17 walkers came and Christmas Common was conquered. The weather was far kinder than predicted and we set off to Pishill where we rested at the church, signed the visitor book, had a banana or two and then headed for Stoner House and had our first lunch break at the wonderful facilities there. Lovely to see so many DofE walkers out too as we continued through Turville and then to Fingest where we had our second lunch break, yes that's right 2 lunch breaks and much needed on this walk. After losing 2 walkers whom headed off and later made it to Marlow we as 15 continued via the peaceful paths towards Ibstone Common. A brief stop and then upwards again and back to Christmas Common. A wonderful days walking with so much chatter and buzz about our upcoming Annual Walk. I'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone who joined me on this the last training walk but also an equally big thank you to all the walkers and leaders over this training season. You inspire me and it's an absolute pleasure to walk with you all and I look forward to seeing everyone in Shropshire.

June 2024

The spring walks have finished, but after the big sponsored walk in Shropshire Hills in May, we resume walks in June. Watch this space as details are filled in.

However in the interim you might like to see some photos from the big walk, Annual Walk Photos and read a Blog Article about the walk.

Sunday 23 June
General Area:
Tonbridge and Tudeley. Miles: 6 moderate
Leader: Michael Romain
Nature of walk: this is a circular walk from Tonbridge via Tudeley through lovely countryside. The main purpose of the walk is to visit the beautiful church at Tudeley. All the windows are stained glass decorated by Marc Chagall. Michael has organised this walk previously for the Liberal Jewish Synagogue and we were invited to join them last year and are again this year. There will be a charge of £8 each to cover entry into the church and a contribution to the excellent guide. Any surplus made from St.Luke’s walkers payments will be donated to St. Luke’s Hospice as happened last year. Michael will accept payment on the day, but would prefer payment by bank transfer. Bring a packed lunch which can be eaten in the churchyard before meeting the guide at about 14.00.

Michael's report: This is the second year that St Lukes walkers have taken part in what one of our group has now called the "Windows Walk." There were about 19 of us who set off from London Bridge to Tonbridge. The walk was in beautiful weather. The highlight of course was the visit to the church to see the beautiful stained glass windows by Marc Chagall .We listened to a lively talk by a very enthusiastic guide. After that, the group explored the church. We returned on a different route to Tonbridge station. I think we returned tired but happy. I hope to repeat the walk next year. Watch this space.

July 2024

Monday 1 July
General Area:
Green Park and Hyde Park. Miles: 5 moderate
Leader: Michael Romain
Nature of walk: The walk will go firstly around Green Park and then enter Hyde Park and continue right across to Kensington Gardens and then back terminating at Marble Arch. There will be plenty of toilet facilities . There will be an opportunity to break off at any stage.

Michael's report: here is so much to see in a well-maintained London Park. We started off walking down from Green Park Station to Buckingham Palace just in time to see the changing of the Guards.That was exciting! We then turned up into Hyde Park and went through the beautifully maintained Rose Garden . In Kensington Gardens we were able to enter the Princess Diana Garden and we made our way back to the Marble Arch exit. We are so fortunate with our London parks. In two weeks time we are going to explore two other London parks, Regents Park and Primrose Hill. The large pumpkin in the picture is part of the Serpentine gallery and is situated between the said gallery and the round pond. Full access will be available in a weeks time.
Saturday 6 July
General Area:
Cadmore End Miles: 7.5 moderate
Leader: Janet Clow and Martin Atkins
Nature of walk: A shorter version of a well-loved walk in beautiful Chiltern countryside, taken at an unhurried pace and avoiding some of the hills. The route takes field and woodland paths to the church at Ibstone, then on to Turville for lunch, with an opportunity for a drink at the pub. We continue to Fingest by a direct route, then climb back up to Cadmore End. Please bring a packed lunch.

Martin's report: Here we were then; two days after the general election and about to embark upon the third of the Summer Walks. Seven of us gathered at Cadmore End car park ready to embark upon a 7 mile challenge when we were suddenly joined by a lone gentleman who looked rather familiar. He introduced himself as Richkid Soonknackered [or something like that]. At this point the weather suddenly deteriorated and rain began to fall. We were slightly concerned about the wet conditions making the ground slippery and Richkid seemed particularly worried about the concept of 'land' and 'slide'. We decided to wager on when the weather would clear, but again Richkid seemed unsettled by our references to 'bet' and 'sky'. We assured him that there was no need to fret as we were all Walk Veterans, at which point he decided to leave the walk early! Enough! We had to call for the air ambulance. As the paramedics loaded Richkid on board, we could hear him begging them not to fly him to Rwanda. Once Richkid had departed, the whole day seemed to become brighter. We finished the Walk and then spent the late afternoon celebrating with coffee in the local cafe.
Okay....what really happened was we had to abandon the Walk before starting, due to heavy rain, so we drove to Lane End and had breakfast in the cafe there. At least that part of my report is true! Martin

Tuesday 16 July
General Area:
Regents Park and Primrose Hill Miles: 5.5 moderate
Leader: Michael Romain
Nature of walk:
This walk will firstly enter Primrose Hill and go round the perimeter. We will then summit the hill and then into Regents Park. In Regents Park, we will visit the Rose Garden and go round the lake finishing up back at St John’s Wood station. There are plenty of toilet facilities. There will be an opportunity to break off at any stage.

Michael's report: This picture was taken in Queen Mary's Rose Garden in the centre of Regents Park. The weather was fine. Five of us together with a friend of mine from Liverpool had a very pleasant walk in central London. yes, it is possible. We started in Primrose Hill. We climbed to the top and paused to look over the centre of London . We descended and entered Regents Park. I think the highlight was Queen Mary's Rose Garden, where this photograph was taken. It it was a lovely morning.

Sunday 21 July - walk cancelled

Wednesday 31 July
General Area:
Amersham, Little Missenden and Shardeloes Circular. Miles: 9 moderate
Meeting time: 10:30 Meeting place: Amersham Station
Leader: Hugo Hodge Leader's phone: 07867 805289
Travel: take the 09.55 northbound Metline train to Amersham from Harrow on the Hill Station arriving at 10.24.
Nature of walk: from the Station we will descend to the Old Town and turn right on the High Street towards Little Missenden. After leaving the town we will enter the cricket club and cross the fields below Shardeloes House to Little Missenden where we will double back by climbing up the hill behind Shardeloes and descending through the woods and its fields to Old Amersham before climbing the last hill to the Station. Bring a packed lunch. There might also be an opportunity for a drink in one of the pubs in Old Amersham.

August 2024

Saturday 3 August
General Area:
Chesham to Chorleywood Miles: 8.5 moderate
Meeting time: 10:30 Meeting place: Chesham Station
Leader: Peter Polkinghorne Leader's phone: 07793378483
Travel: from Harrow on the Hill Station take 9:40 to Chesham arriving at 10:17.
Nature of walk: This walk goes from Chesham to Chorleywood via Flaunden, where there will a lunch stop in the churchyard with the Green Dragon nearby, then via Chenies. For full details see: Chorleywood to Chesham walk but we will walk the route in reverse.

Thursday 15 August - Hugo Hodge

Sunday 18 August
General Area:
Kings Langley and Chipperfield Commons Circular Miles: 8 moderate
Meeting time: 10:30am (approx) Meeting place: Kings Langley Station
Leader: Kay Waddilove and Margaret Huitson Leader's phone: Kay 07518 365746; Margaret 07762 310509
Travel: To be determined nearer the time, but likely to be Harrow and Wealdstone 9:45 Overground to Watford Junction and then West Midland 10:12 to Kings Langley, arriving 10:16.
Nature of walk: This is a circular walk taking in the Grand Union Canal, Scatterdells Wood and Chipperfield Common, starting at Kings Langley station. Enjoy the open countryside, delightful woodland and some great views. Please bring a picnic for our lunch stop on Chipperfield Common, where there will be an opportunity to get a drink and use the toilets at the Two Brewers pub. We then return across the rolling hills south-west of Kings Langley to the station, where the West Midlands line trains run half-hourly to Watford, Harrow and London.

Friday 30 August
General Area:
Wendover Circular Miles: 10 moderate
Meeting time: 10:20 Meeting place: Wendover Station
Leader: Sue Aldridge Leader's phone: 07713 025494 on day only
Travel: Depart Chiltern Train 9.39 from Harrow on the Hill, arrives Wendover 10.16
Nature of walk: A steady long, steep ascent up through Wendover Woods to then stop for coffee at the cafe with toilets, which is close to the highest point in The Chilterns. Descend the Firecrest trail to The Hale. Another shorter ascent up through Hale Wood to cross The Ridgeway. Then fields and woodland paths towards Swan Bottom and the Lee area. Picnic lunch, hopefully followed by drinks in one of the nearby pubs. Return in a northerly direction using part of the Chiltern Link path. Can be muddy in woods after wet weather.

September 2024

Saturday 14 September

Wednesday 19 September

Sunday 23 September

October 2024

Monday 1 October

Saturday 12 October

Tuesday 15 October

Sunday 27 October

Thursday 31 October

November 2024

Saturday 9 November

Friday 15 November

Sunday 24 November

Wednesday 27 November


We hope our walk leaders will be ready. Please send the usual information to Hugo (

"The usual information" should include:
The general area and whether or not circular
How many miles, easy or moderate, etc
When and where to meet
Walk leader's name and phone number
Suggested travel
A few words about the route.
And be prepared to send a brief report and photo afterwards.(to

General points

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